About me

- born the 26th of May in Frankfurt a. Main
- Graduation Dipl Communication Designer, in Nünberg
- 10 years of professional practice as designer in agencies and industry
- Consultant Marketing Communication in Hamburg
- since 2007 freelance artist at Lanzarote
- 2008 graduation Art and Creativity Therapist in Berlin
- since 2008 pottery classes on Lanzarote
freelance artist on lanzarote
Pottery is my passion
Working with clay has always been a part of my life. Starting from being a student in school where I founded a pottery working group and then continuing it as a hobby. I finally decided 13 years ago to expand my creativity so I started my own business in Lanzarote with ceramic courses. I enjoy introducing my students to the large and varied world of ceramics and supporting them in their ceramic development. Because as an art and creativity therapist, I am used to dealing with my course students with empathy. "Togetherness" is very important to me, because the community gives us strength and security and stimulates our creativity.

Katrin Klement , Urb. Los Calamares 11, 35580 Playa Blanca